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Product reviews

We really appreciate your opinions about our products. That’s why we give you the chance to post your reviews on our product pages. This helps us make our products even better. But even more importantly, your reviews help our customers. It also makes it easier for you to look for the best Trivio product for your cycling adventures. The reviews can help you discover whether a particular Trivio product really is the one you are looking for. Would you like to help us by posting a review? Great! Below is some advice on how to write a good review.

Advice on writing product reviews

  • Write at least twenty words.
  • Support your views with facts.
  • Write in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Explain how you use the product, and in what circumstances.
  • As well as giving positive feedback, add some tips on how the product could be improved.

When do we not post a review?

  • If it contains rude and offensive language.
  • If the content is incomplete, not relevant, or too short.
  • If it is written in upper case or with other distracting symbols.
  • If it includes contact details such as phone numbers, addresses, or URLs.
  • If it includes temporary information, such as prices or recent events.
  • If it mentions other shops or online shops.
  • If it contains advertising or spam.
  • If it is not based on facts.
  • If it is about the wrong product.

Remember that reviews on the Trivio website are the opinions of other customers. That means that Trivio cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the reviews. The reviews are based on assertions and opinions written by the authors in question and not on behalf of Trivio itself.